
In the small region Waldviertler Kernland 22% of all inhabitants are over the age of 65. It is therefore of immense importance that these people are able to live independently, self-determined and as an active part of society in the region for a long time. This can be supported by the new means of communication (smartphone, internet, ...). Surveys showed a great interest of the Group 65+ in the use of digital media. However, older people are often sceptical and uncertain about these new technical possibilities. There are fears of being constantly "monitored" or not being able to use the technology properly. From the health point of view, it should be noted that the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and overweight is constantly increasing in this target group, which requires frequent visits to the doctor as well as medical interventions. Adjusting to the right medication or dose is often a lengthy process. This can be considerably improved and shortened by constant and exact measurements of the corresponding values and ongoing examination of the values. Within the framework of this project, the neighbourly togetherness, an autonomous life as well as the health of older people (65+) are to be promoted through networking and the application of new communication possibilities (video telephony, Facebook, WhatsApp,...). Translated with


Duration 01/03/2019 - 30/09/2021
Funding Sonstige
Program FGOE

Department for Arts and Cultural Studies

Center for Applied Game Studies

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Natalie Denk, MA
Project members
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Reitschmied, MA
Project website


STUPSI - digital gesund altern

Webinar "Soziales Leben", 30/11/2020

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